Saturday 10 August 2013


A frozen marg or two (or three), a gooey
grilled cheese, a gratuitous hookup with your
dumb-as-bricks neighbor who has a Gos-tastic
bod: While you know these things aren't
exactly good for you, they're massively
enjoyable as an occasional indulgence. But
what's really gets our panties in a twist? When
stuff you've been led your whole life to
believe were super healthy turn out to be
fucking with you in one way or another. Check
out the six biggest culprits here.

Just shoot us now, why don't you. Vitamins,
yes vitamins of all things, can destroy your
health: A and E in particular have been linked
in numerous studies to increased mortality
(from cancer, heart failure, etc.). The reason?
Their high levels of antioxidants—which, WTF,
have always been hailed as the holy grail of
health—weakens your immune system .

Torn tendons and cartilage. Destroyed hips.
Arthritis. Retinal tears! Back and neck
trauma! Blood clots !! Permanent nerve
injury!!! Brain damage!!! STROKE!!! Turns out
all that downward-dogging might be more of
an extreme sport than a Zen-inducing soul
massage . Thanks to all that exaggerated
bending and contorting, the number of yoga-
related emergency room admissions more
than doubled from 2001 to 2002. We're not
saying stop namaste-ing, but tread carefully...

Neti Pot
Touted by the likes of Oprah, Dr. Oz, and
Molly Sims, this holistic nasal cleanser seems
like a quaint, harmless home remedy to clear
up allergies , colds, and congestion. Until,
that is, it turns around and gives you a
freaking deadly brain infection! Several people
in Louisiana died after flushing out their nose
using tap water containing a fatal amoeba.
(Curse you, Naegleria fowleri!) According to
the FDA, use bottled water or boil H2O and
let it cool before a nasal douche—or, what
the hell, just pass the Claritin.

Brown Rice
Carbs are bad, wheat makes you fat, potatoes
are empty calories, etc. But the one starch we
still have on our side is brown rice, right? …
Right? Not so much. A Consumer Reports
investigation tested hundreds of different
brands of rice and discovered measurable
amounts of arsenic in all of them. Rice eaters
had arsenic levels that were 44 percent
greater than people who don't get their rice
on—and what's more, the " good for you "
brown kind had significantly higher levels of
the toxin than the white variety. So, make
quinoa your new BFF, okay?

Grilled Food
It's BBQ season—which supposedly makes
healthy eating faster and easier than ever. You
can just throw sliced veggies, a chicken
breast, even fruit on the grill, and voila! Uh,
yeah, about that… Hate to break it to you, but
charred food can, surprise surprise, give
you cancer . You know those blackened bits?
They indicate the presence of the carcinogen
HCA, which can damage your DNA and
kickstart the big C. You don't have to ban
barbecue outright, but minimize HCA by
cooking at lower temps, removing the skin
from chicken or salmon, and using smaller
pieces of meat so it'll be done faster.

Spray-on Sunscreen
Don't get us wrong—we worship sunscreen
for its amazing ability to stave off skin
cancer …but not all types are created equal.
Sunscreen sprays are crazy popular (makes
sense: they're convenient and easy to apply,
they coat your skin evenly), but they might
not be the safest bet. The FDA is currently
investigating some potentially dangerous side-
effects of spritzing on your SPF. There's a
concern that not enough of it actually gets on
your skin, and that you'll inhale the chemical-
filled product as you mist it on—and now we
can't even use a neti pot to get that crap out.


Sort out your diet . It is one of the
most important components of a fit
lifestyle. Many people ignore it, but
if you exercise and eat lots of junk
food you will not get any fitter.
This is because the junk food turns
to fat almost immediately and
exercising only gets rid of that fat,
so you are effectively going
nowhere. First of all, get rid of any
junk food. This includes chocolate,
sweets, crisps and most
importantly fast food. Lots of
people have no idea how bad fast
food is for them. It leads to
significant weight gain and even
depression in just 30 days. So cut
out the junk. You should have a
balanced diet. Eat salads,
vegetables, fruit and lots of
chicken, which are high in protein.
You should try to eat
potatoes,pasta and bananas, since
they offer large amounts of energy
over a long period of time. Try and
make out a table for each week,
adding new healthy food which you
can easily find in most health food
shops. Most of this requires
willpower so have some guts!

Exercise. It is a
very important
part of a healthy
Exercise keeps
your blood flowing which keeps
your heart beating.This helps stop
clogged arteries and less chance of
a heart attack in later life. It is
important that you exercise right.
Stretch before any exercise to avoid
pulled muscles or injuries. Exercise
you can do at home includes push
ups, bench, sit ups etc. Jogging is
also a major exercise. You should
jog at least a kilometer to keep that
fat off. Pace yourself and try and
design a route through a local area.
The gym is another good place. You
should always learn how to use
weights and exercises in the gym
from an instructor or professional.
Never use a weight that is to heavy.
Use smaller weights and you will
find that you will progress through
the weights very rapidly. Make sure
you keep a record of all the work
you do.

Drink a lot of
water. The
human body is
made of over
80% water, and
you need to
replenishing it.
You should drink at least 1 litre of
water a day.Your body sweats a lot
of that water so you need to put it
back in.

Willpower and motivation . Have
belief in yourself. Do not care what
other people think if you are lifting
small weights compared to big
weights. Why should you care what
they think? So don't. Keep to your
plan and keep your willpower. You
know you can do it.

Sunday 4 August 2013

15 ways to loose fat easily

It is said that the rate at which people add weight is increasing by the day and most people are unable to burn this fat easily. Due to time constraints, obese people are unable to make it to the gym on time to burn those extra pounds. It is also believed that in America, three quarters of adults are dropping those extra pounds and this becoming a serious objective for many who are concerned with their long term health.

 Losing weight can be an easy task if you take it as a challenge, but losing weight the proper and healthy way is crucial for people to follow. There are en number of crash diets and weight loss tips that we put ourselves to task with. But, do these tricks and tips really help us? Therefore, we have given you 15 fat burning tips which you can now do in a healthy way. Eating the correct type of food and doing the right type of exercise is important. You should also know that abdominal fat can be dangerous to health in a number of ways as it can cause a lot of problems like heart attack, diabetes and certain types of cancers. So, it is high time you set a goal and try these fat burning tips which is enlisted below. Run everyday The best fat burning tip for you to practice on a day to day basis is to run.

 This routine of an early morning run will help to keep you active during the day and boost your immune system. It helps keep the body to continuously burn calories. Sleeping One of the most efficient fat burning tips which you might find hard to believe is that of sleeping! You should know that improper sleeping habits will ruin ones efforts to lose fats. The reason being that improper sleep produces more ghrelin and this triggers cravings for sugar foods.

Green tea Today, there are a number of people who have turned to green tea to lose weight. If you consume a two to three cups of green tea on a daily basis, you will lose your pounds faster. It will not only help burn fat but reduce the risk of cancer too. Stairs Even if you are late, take the stairs! This simple form of exercise will work wonders for you if you want to lose weight in a healthy way. It also helps to keep you active. Do not skip meals Consuming fewer than 1000 calories a day tells your body to start storing food. This will automatically slow down the metabolism rate to prepare for starvation.

 If you skip meals it might help you to lose initial weight. But, as soon as you start consuming a healthy portion of food these calories will fall back in place again. Dinner like a beggar Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a pauper and dinner like a beggar. This phrase says it all! So, it is important to not over eat during dinner. Small meals If you are eating to stuff your stomach it will ruin your weight loss plans. One of the best fat burning tips is to not eat more than 600 calories per meal. It is best to keep all meals small as far as possible.

Hydration Keeping your body hydrated is very important when you want to burn fats easily. While exercising, one of the best fat burning tips is to drink a good amount of water after a workout. It helps you to feel refreshed and energetic. No sugar Maintain distance from your sugar cravings. You can replace all sugar coated foods by filling yourself with protein, whole grains and lots of vegetables. The best way to curb your sugar cravings is to chew on a piece of cinnamon stick, which will help to stabilise the blood sugar levels and also aid in burning fat. Sports The most productive fat burning tip is by playing sports. If you want to burn or lose that extra flab, you need to start playing a sport. Playing sports involves cardio and lots of non-linear movement thus keeping you healthy. GI Foods If you add lots of low-GI foods in your diet, it is good as it burns fat. Small intervals The best and easy fat burning tip for you to follow is by eating in small quantities. You can also quit from being a couch potato.

Healthy fats You should aim to achieve a diet rich in good fats Good fast is essential for every individual to have stored in their body. The consumption of mono unsaturated fat rich foods is that of olives and avocados. These fruits help to lower your bad cholesterol and is also helpful in burning fats. Eating on time One of the best fat burning tips is to eat on time. If you want to get rid of that flab you need to follow a scheduled eating habit. Aim to eat at least 4 to 6 small meals daily. Solid v/s juices Most people think that a liquid diet will help to solve the problem of putting n weight. This is untrue. We need a good amount of solid food to burn fat in our body and for resistance.

Saturday 27 July 2013

How to look sexy and slim by swimming

In this article I am going to guide you on how to loose weight by swimming regularly. To lose at least 20 pounds, you have to be swimming regularly everyday. It doesn’t end in regular swimming, you have you must increase your speed and distance so that your body work out.

Swimming is a very fast way of loosing weight, do you know why? “it is because swimming works out every muscle in your body, and it also helps you keep fit”.

However you have to be aware that if you just enter a pool and paddle for 20mins or even more and come out without swimming you can never loose weight.  You have to swim far so that you can loose a good amount of calories.


Swimming in a pool has more advantage to when you swim in a lake or river. When you swim in a pool, you can time the lap or distance you have covered. But when you swim in a lake or river you can hardly do that. And sometimes there are dangerous objects in a river.

I discovered that some people find them selves extremely hungry after they finish swimming. That  is a good sign that your body system is working out. So my advice to such people is that they should eat less anytime they are hungry after swimming, they could eat smaller quantity of what they used to eat before. When they do that their body metabolism would increase rapidly.

How long it would take for you to loose weight depends on how hard you work in the swimming pool. If you are the kind of swimmer that swims steady for hours and covers a long distance, be sure to loose weight rapidly. Then if you are the type that does not swim for a long time and does not cover much distance you would be loosing weight gradually.
So my friends, working hard in the swimming pool is a fast way to loose weight by swimming. Swim always, even when you are tired continues swimming.

Video on How to Burn Fat from the body

This Video would guide you on how to burn fat from your body. If you can follow this exercise process you would slim down in a couple of days.

Watch video below:

Thursday 25 July 2013

Lose fat in 7days FAT LOSS FACTORS

In this short weight loss presentation I will teach you a somewhat unusual weight loss strategy that can help you get a flatter belly in under 7 days, while still enjoying the foods you love. This is the first tip that I always teach my patients here in Fishers, IN. And is the same tip that helped one of my patients whom I'm most proud of, (Lori) lose 2 inches from her belly, lose 8 lbs in only 9 days, lose 2 inches from each thigh, lose ¾ of an inch from each arm, and drop 3 dress sizes (At the age of 30, she now wears a smaller dress than she did in high school!).

Lori ultimately lost 90 pounds and I'll share with you 1 tip that helped her get there. I can't leave this video up for long, so be sure to watch it from beginning to end while it's still here. Please note: If you leave the page and come back, the video will automatically restart at the beginning.

Here is another link
Loose weight in7 days
Thanks and enjoy!